2023 - 2024 Rules of Play

The "CCA Rules for General Play" shall apply, With the following exceptions and/or additions:
    1. A minimum of three (3) curlers shall constitute a rink, with one (1) of those being of the opposite sex, as available
    2. At least one (1) regular member of the team must be present, plus spares, to constitute a rink.
    3. Curlers, except spares, shall play any position but may not change those positions during a game.

    Interpretation: Team members can change positions from week to week, at their team's discretion.

    1. A team must have a minimum of three (3) players.
    2. In the event a team plays with three (3) players the lead and second will each throw three (3) rocks.
    3. Games will commence promptly - Sundays at 11:45am unless otherwise posted.
    1. All games shall be eight (8) ends, (time permitting)
    2. The buzzer will be used to signal the start and finish of all games.
    3. Once the finishing buzzer has sounded the teams will finish the end "IN PROGRESS" and curl one more end.
    4. An end is "IN PROGRESS" if the final skip rock has not been released.
  4. BUZZER:
    1. The starting buzzer will sound (10:50am) ten (10) minutes before the start of game, so curlers will be ready to start promptly at 11:00am.
    2. The finishing buzzer will sound (12:35pm) twenty-five (25) minutes before the finish time.
    1. In the event that a team is late for its game, the team ready to play "MAY" take one (1) point and one (1) end for each ten (10) minutes that the opposition is late. Also see Rule 6 (a)
    2. The team ready to play "MAY" be given last rock (hammer) when play is ready to commence.
    3. A curler who arrives late may join their team, in their regular position, at any time throughout the game, providing it does not conflict with Rule 7 (b).
    1. In the event that a team is late, the team ready to play will take one (1) point and one (1) end for each ten (10) minutes that lapse. After a lapse of thirty (30) minutes, the game will be forfeited. When a game is forfeited, the team that was ready to play is awarded the game (win) and the other team is awarded a default. Final score of the game recorded will be (3 - 0).
  7. SPARES:
    1. A spare will curl as LEAD, with the regular curlers moving up in position. If a team has two (2) spares they will curl as LEAD and SECOND.
    2. Once a game has started the spare is entitled to complete the game. In other words, if a late curler arrives a spare CAN NOT be bumped from the game.
    1. All measurements will be made by respective thirds. If the opposing teams cannot agree, they may request a non-partisan third party to render a decision.
    1. Scores are determined by the following system:
      • Win = 4 points
      • Tie = 2 points
      • Loss = 1 point
      • Default = 0 points

      * In the event that during the playoffs there are an odd number of teams in the "B" & "C" events the teams that would normally receive a bye will be scheduled to play each other. Regardless of the end score of the game the game will be called a tie and each team will receive 2 points. If one team defaults the game, that team not receive the two points. The winning team in this situation will still receive the 2 points for the game.

    2. The teams are separated into Events at the end of the Round Robin by the following criteria in order:
      1. Win, Tie, Loss, Default (WTLD) points
      2. Who beat who.
      3. Total game score for. (Actual score of game)
      4. Total game score against. (Actual score of game)
    3. The Grand Aggregate winner is determined by the following criteria in order:
      1. The team with the highest total of Round Robin and Playoff (WTLD) points.
      2. Total game score for. (Actual score of game) (Round Robin and Playoff)
      3. Total game score against. (Actual score of game) (Round Robin and Playoff)
    4. Can the Grand Aggregate winner also win an event?
      1. NO! The Grand Aggregate winner, once determined, is removed from event standings.
    5. Final "A", "B" and "C" event winners are determined by the following criteria in order:
      1. Playoff (WTLD) points ONLY.
      2. Who beat who - Playoffs ONLY.
      3. Total playoff game SCORE for. (Actual score of game)
      4. Total playoff game SCORE against. (Actual score of game)
    6. How the "Toilet Seat" winner is determined.
      1. Least of the total Round Robin and Playoff (WTLD) points.
    1. Any protests must be written (or emailed) to any Member of the Executive within three (3) days following the game being protested.
    2. Any extenuating circumstances that arise during the curling season shall be ruled on by the Curling Club Executive, whose decision shall be final.
    3. "Most Improved Curler" and "Twinkle Toes" (aka. Twinkie) award candidates shall be submitted to the Executive by each skip at the end of the last curling day of the season.
    1. The free guard zone is the area between the hog line and the tee line, excluding the house.
    2. Interpretation: A stone which comes to rest biting or in front of the hog line after making contact with a stone in the free guard zone is considered to be in the free guard zone. A stone which comes to rest outside the house but biting the tee line is NOT in the free guard zone.

    3. Any stationary stone(s) belonging to the opposition that is located within the free guard zone shall not be removed from play prior to the delivery of the FIFTH stone of an end.
    4. Interpretation: A delivered third or forth stone of an end may hit an oppositions stone(s) in the free guard zone providing the opposition's original free guard zone stone(s) remain in play. If the opposition's original free guard zone stone(s) is removed from play, Penalty Situation #1 shall apply.

      Penalty Situation #1: If a stone(s) in the free guard zone is removed from play proir to the delivery of the fifth stone of the end, the non-offending team may:

      1. allow the play to stand; or
      2. remove the stone just delivered from play and replace the displaced stationary stone(s) as close as possible to its original position.
    5. Your own rocks can be removed from the free guard zone at any time during this four rock period, but not an opposition's stone.